This is the professor's weather blog for Elementary Meteorlogy Online at Lyndon State College. Here students will find helpful hints for posting on their own weather blogs. Student weatherblogs are the place for online classroom discussion on current weather with other students and ProfWW.
Each week students will be asked to relate what you learned in the previous week's investigations, text readings, and online notes to current weather over the Northeast Kingdom or elsewhere in the world. You may choose any two consecutive days of the week to post your blog and describe observed changes over the course of those two days. You are encouraged to view your classmates blogs and post comments.
Each week students will be asked to relate what you learned in the previous week's investigations, text readings, and online notes to current weather over the Northeast Kingdom or elsewhere in the world. You may choose any two consecutive days of the week to post your blog and describe observed changes over the course of those two days. You are encouraged to view your classmates blogs and post comments.
Labels: Introduction